Reverse Mortgage Crowds payment form

Please fill out this form completely and click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. If you have any questions call 1-877-823-7813.

"* " denotes the field is Required

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Invoice Information:
   * Invoice #    * Amount
Billing Information:
   * First Name    * Last Name:
Company    * Phone:
   *    *
   *    *
Fax       *
Credit card details:
   * Credit Card #     * Expiration Date     *
    * CVV (on back of card)    
Submit order:

Read before agreeing below:

I agree to not duplicate this Mailing Program in any manner, as it is protected under intellectual property rights © Reverse Mortgage Crowds Inc. (SCI), 2009. I authorize Reverse Mortgage Crowds to print my invitations and submit them within 1-2 business days of my estimated mail date to the USPS for delivery. I acknowledge and agree that Reverse Mortgage Crowds does not guarantee response rates, results, or delivery by the USPS. I will not hold SCI liable for mail which is delayed due my lack of payment, my lack of written approvals, or the inability of the USPS to deliver the mail for any reason including weather related delays.  We suggest you add extra time to your mail date during the winter months.  The mailing lists utilized by Reverse Mortgage Crowds are acquired from third parties that used their best efforts to meet your selected criteria.  No assurance can be given that the list or specific criteria you have chosen for your mailing will be completely accurate.

Laws governing the content of advertising material vary from state to state. Also if you are affiliated with a NASD/FINRA member firm you may be required to meet NASD/FINRA regulations regarding the content of your mailers. It is your obligation to ensure that your mailer/invitation is in full compliance with all applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Reverse Mortgage Crowds Inc. assumes no responsibility for the content of your mailer or compliance with applicable laws. Any forms, templates or suggestions provided by SCI are for convenience only and it is the mailers’ responsibility to ensure that his or her mailer fully complies with applicable law. I agree that Reverse Mortgage Crowds Inc. shall not be responsible for any consequential damages. In no event shall Reverse Mortgage Crowds Inc.’s damages with respect to any individual mailings exceed the amount paid to Reverse Mortgage Crowds Inc. for such mailings.

This application is made at Fairfield, IA. The parties agree that all disputes shall be governed by Iowa law and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction, venue and forum of any state or federal court in Jefferson County Iowa.  Seminar Crowds shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney fees in any action to collect any unpaid invoices.

     * Agreement